This week seemed to be one of the most difficult weeks in my life.  Whether it was or wasn't, I can't tell you for sure, but I can tell you that it was extremely hard.  Some phrases I have used with friends this week are as follows: "I don't think a human being is meant to handle this amount of stress."  "I feel physically beaten up because of the amount of stress I am under."  "I feel like I'm being attacked on every side."

The point of this blog post is not to share the details or situations of this week.  The point of this blog post is to note that I SURVIVED.

**I actually stopped the blog there because I was so overwhelmed at the moment to type anymore.  I later thought of erasing it, but I don't want to.  I want to remember that I had a week like this, but I survived it by the strength and grace of God.


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